1. For those of you waiting on the Birth Experience Mentoring – IT IS COMING! I promise! I just want it to be good. And real. And informative. And valuable. I want to do it right or not at all. More info on it coming soon, but in the meantime, thank you for your patience!
2. A little good news. Taryn took 5 bites of food today. Doesn’t sound like much but I’m thrilled with it. She’s down several pounds and didn’t have it to loose. I am hopeful for that magic moment when she will just start eating again. She had some damage to her tongue and cheeks when intubated and I think that is causing her not to eat as much as we would like. Speaking of magic moments, I noticed today that she was sleeping with her mouth closed for at least 5 minutes. That’s huge for her. She could actually breathe through her nose because her adenoids are gone. She’s been a mouth breather for years and I was so excited I wanted to jump up and down. I didn’t cause I didn’t want to wake her, but I wanted to!
3. It’s been a tough recovery week. Days 6-10 are supposed to be the most difficult and risky. Today is day 6 and I can vouch for the accuracy of that.
4. Ty went back to school today and is out of his bedroom quarantine as prescribed by the dr’s. We are all thankful for that!!
5. I got a few emails and comments about Teagan’s captain awesome photos below asking what I shot them with. I used my 5D and the 24-70 mm 2.8 Lens.
6. Austin peeps, we are about to have the floors redone in our house. Can anyone recommend a good company? We’re in the estimate phase and would love some recommendations!
7. Confession: I already decorated my house for fall. Two weeks ago. I like to think I was willing cooler weather to come our way.
8. Another confession: I fell asleep snuggling with Taryn last night. I woke up this morning fully dressed and wondered why on earth I was wearing real pants. The real confession here is that once I was up, my day got busy and I didn’t get around to changing until 10 am. Gross.
9. I usually call my husband at 5 pm and say “Hi honey. It’s time.” Come on now, I’m not the only one that does that right? I love it when he walks through that door!!
10. You made it all the way to 10 and no pics??? The week before Taryn’s surgery we got a nice little break in the weather. For you non-texan’s, that means it wasn’t 110 in the shade. The first thing we did was run outside and soak it all up. It was nice enough that I decided to tape some cardboard down to the driveway and let the kids do some painting. Taryn was super into it (as in loved the painting part). Teagan was super into it too (as in covered in paint). Every time he gets paint on him though he says “owwww”. No, the paint doesn’t hurt, he’s just dramatic LOL I love the way he lays on his belly and concentrates. They had a blast painting outside for the longest time…..it took about 3 days for their creation to dry thanks to an abundance of paint….
Happy Tuesday!
ps – be sure to check to see if you are one of the ice cream winners – I haven’t heard from everyone yet!!
love it! i always thought i took a lot of pics of my own family… you have me beat! 🙂
Glad to hear Taryn is making progress. LOVE the paint pics! I am telling you, it is scary how much your little guy reminds me of mine!
Thank you for #1, I am so happy to know birth mentoring is still alive somewhere. You’ve been running on overload for quite some time now. I’m glad to hear your family is on the road to better health.
I just had to giggle at those pics of Teagan and the paint…looks like so much fun for little ones! I hope he’s giving you some good laughs right now, such a fun age:) Glad to hear that Ty is better and I hope that Taryn’s days 7-10 go better than expected!
Great pictures! Wow, you have had a crazy couple of weeks haven’t you? Glad to hear that you are holding it all together. I would be ready to rip out my hair! I hope that things get 100% better soon! Now, I am off to email you, I see I won some ice cream! Yippee! Take care.
Thank You for posting #8, I read it and laughed (out-loud.) The truth is sometimes too funny! 🙂
Love the painitng pics and so happy Taryn is eating again. I will post a flooring rec/link on your FB wall, mkay?
Such great pictures and what a fab idea to tape some cardboard down!! Sounds like everything is perking back up! 🙂