1. Man, it has been forrrrrrrever since I did a 10 on Tuesday. Blog slacker I am. Hard working, blog slacker, that is. How about a little catch up with my crew?
2. I have an entire session of photos like this to edit….I just need time. Man, he was awfully good to me this evening….
3. My girl was awfully good to me recently as well. We did our annual photo shoot in the field of purple wildflowers a few weeks ago. I just need more time to edit…
4. In addition to working like a crazy person, this month, personally, has been largely based around nutrition. I’ve been diving in to nutrition in so many ways and learning so much. It is mind boggling and exhilarating all at the same time. We are still struggling with Taryn’s allergies. She tested out of eggs on paper and skin but we failed at our first attempt to add them back in to her diet after the food challenge. Soooo, we waited awhile, I researched and attended a healing nutrition seminar (AH-MAZING on so many levels) and then researched some more. In the meantime, she started to have allergic reactions again, even after taking her off eggs. We finally figured out it was rice. UGH! Do you have any idea how hard it is to give up rice when you are gluten free? Not easy. We don’t eat a lot of grains as it is, so to give up one of our favorites, was really hard. But we did and she started to feel better. I then started her on a rotation diet with eggs and it worked like a charm. Two eggs, no sooner than every four days, seems to be the magic number. Now I’m on a mission to get rice back in to her diet. Baby steps. I don’t really care about gluten, we’ll always be gluten free. I wish I could get some raw dairy back in our diets, but I think we have a long, long way to go before that happens. All in all, I think we have about 10-12 allergies to heal. Gut healing is hard, but so worth it. I am really diving in to the nutritional aspect of it all. I love it. I love how powerful and incredible and healing food can be. I love that I can use it to help them and heal all of us. Food freakin’ rocks.
5. Mags. Big, smart and so much fun. She’s been such a great addition to our family. I love her even though she totally drives me crazy some times. She makes me laugh every single day.
6. One more of my sweet little puppy. I think I’m so smitten with him in this costume because Taryn LIVED in it for almost a year. It was a daily fixture until she was literally busting out of it. Sentimental…
7. How do you make fall fun and healthy at the same time? You get creative a la Pinterest. Oranges carved like pumpkins served as fruit cups with lunch on Halloween. We then dropped a candle in them and added to our pumpkin collection on the porch. Taryn is all about recycling things around the house so she was all over the multiple use aspect. Super cute and so many people stopped to ask about it while trick or treating. I think next year I’ll do even more.
8. A few of my horsey from the Little Monsters Bash. This kid, I swear, she lacks a filter from her brain to her face. Total crack up.
9. Craft project from last weekend. This makes me laugh because if you have ever seen Taryn and Teagan dance, it looks just like their respective skeletons LOL! If you need a hint on who is who, Duder loves glue.
10. Speaking of dance moves. We always set my alarm to be as loud as possible on the weekends to ensure I don’t oversleep for a session. Saturday morning we woke up to Teagan sitting on our bed, rocking out, diggin’ the music and loving it. Jase and I just sat there and laughed for the longest time. It was a great way to wake up. Yes, we are feeling very, very blessed this fall as it is a stark difference in where we were at this time last year. Blessed and thankful.
Thank you for my “TREAT” tonite! I have missed 10 on Tuesday. It makes me feel like I can see a part of your everyday life. I miss you!