1. I did three photo sessions with Teagan trying to get the perfect birthday invitation photo only to end up using a snapshot. Go figure. Ah well, it’s done and sent to the printer. Happy about that. I’ll share after his party.
2. One of those photo sessions included the 1 year old right of passage. He totally dug it. It was awesome.
3. An outtake at the end, he looks so tickled with himself doesn’t he? The end involved throwing of the cake….his party should be interesting LOL!
4. This shot cracks me up. Sing it with me…..”one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just isn’t the same….” Can you guess which one is 4 yers old?
5. I need some cool, modern fabric for a project that I’m working on….does anyone have any recommendations for a good place to look? Either online or local?
6. One of my friends brought me this petti to borrow, uhm, score! I’m too cheap to buy them and oh my I’m in love with it. T loved it even though she didn’t want to have her picture taken in this moment. I’m not normally a texture girl but I had fun playing with these for something a little different.
7. Every time I pick Teagan out of his crib after naptime he gives me a big wet sloppy kiss on my cheek. Just to say “Oh Mom, I’m so happy to see you”. I just love it.
8. He’s also walking really well with his walker. We have this one from when Taryn was little and he just loves it. He’s all over the place!
9. It’s time to do a little birthday shopping….anyone care to share your favorite one year old birthday gifts??
10. I’m off to watch the inauguration until the little dude wakes up from his nap!
Have a great Tuesday!
I can help you with the modern fabric thing, esp. if you can give me a better idea of what you’re looking for. REady to Sew Bernina at 1431 and Parmer, Honeybee Quilts on Anderson Mill about a block of 183, and The Quilt Store off of Anderson Lane near Burnet all have some modern fabrics, as well as Craftorama on S. Congress across from St. Edwards (their selection can be good, but small).
And um, I have a TON of places to look on the Internet. Feel free to e-mail me so I don’t completely take up your comment section!
There are tons of fabric shops on etsy, or you can try amybutler.com, or heather bailey designs for a start. Just depends on what you are looking for. Hope that helps!
love love love the petti, can’t wait to buy one for lil love, but I’ll wait until she’s a tad older, no sense spending the money now, she’ll not be in it for long, but in about a year, I’m all over it!
Anything from Lakeshore Learning is a favorite for bday gifts! My little one loved the squishy alphabet blocks at age one (and still plays with them at 3 years old) but there are tons of fantastic things there. Fisher Price also makes this thing that looks like a giant bubble gum machine that I swear all 1 year olds are in love with. It has a few giant roll around ball things inside it and they can push the lever to “dispense” them. It works with or without sound. =0) Happy Birthday to your little man!!
Hah! Nanann beat me to it. I was going to suggest asking her! 🙂
Online I like sewmamasew.com and reprodepotfabrics.com. How About Orange (http://howaboutorange.blogspot.com/) has a list of online fabric shops too, and most of them are of the modern persuasion. Enjoy!
oh girl this post is for me! YES!
so i have your fabric designer right here…
go to http://www.fabric.com and search AMY BUTLER!
aw-mazing! i have had some of her fabric creations
for a little project of my own for, oh at least a
year now… can’t wait to see what you have come up with~~
Does he have the Playskool busy ball popper? It’s the best toy ever! I swear even Ty and Taryn will love it, it’s a must have.
pp is right, Amy Butler is cool and definitely fits the “modern” aesthetic. You might want to try the website http://www.quiltartsonline.com/cgi-bin/Store/store.cgi — I’m actually looking for a few of Butler’s older fabrics and found this website that seems to have her entire collections, as well as the entirety of some other really cool designers, although they run a bit expensive.
I’m craving a cupcake now. And a chubby baby to snuggle. :o)
Birthday gift ideas:
The Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Piggy Bank. Develop those fine motor skills and sing song fun.
My one year old loved this!
I highly recommend this series of books by Mandy Stanley. Especially What Do You Say?
I’ll second the recommendation for fabric.com and Amy Butler. My MIL sewed all of my son’s crib bedding using Amy Butler fabric I picked. Great stuff!
Ikea also has a good selection online.
fanny’s fabrics in south austin. that’s where we got our curtain fabric- what’s this for, anyway?
He look exactly like dad.
I got NO suggestions for you on any matter, maybe next time.
Birthday Gifts:
I’ll 2nd the Busy Ball Popper – Colton got that for Christmas and LOVES it (so do Soph and Lilly)
* Melissa and Doug Latches Board – a little difficult for him (sisters love to help) but he loves just messing with all the latches (even if he can’t open them himself)
* Little People Garage
* Baby Grand Piano (FP) or a keyboard
Calla got this: http://www.amazon.com/Radio-Flyer-Classic-Rock-Bounce/dp/B0007YDCKE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1232580881&sr=1-1 for her birthday and LOVES it.
You should look at the Constructive Playthings catalogue, they have fantastic things for kiddos. Also, check out Plan toys-lots of wooden stuff. Both my little boys love that stuff.
Great fabric suppliers on etsy…I bought from “fabricsupplies” (etsy store name) and they have good prices and fair shipping. They will also do custom orders if you need more fabric than shown for a listing. Good luck!