1. It’s not Tuesday, but I’m happy to be blogging. I’m working a ton of hours right now, busy season is in full force!! I’m trying so hard this year to blog all my wonderful clients. Last year a bunch never got blogged. I’m trying to do better this year 🙂
2. Taryn went back to school for the first time since August on Monday. She did amazingly well, we are so proud of her. Their class Halloween party was held yesterday. There are 13 kids in her class and only 4 girls including her. The costume party produced 3 princesses and one buzz lightyear in the girl corner. She makes me smile and I love that she is who she is. That’s my girl!!
The class photos and the parade photos are a riot but I can’t share them since other people children appear and I don’t have their permission to post.
3. This crazy monkey was there too….I was a bit concerned he’d be all up in everything. He was. He’s a mess, but a fabulous mess.
I think he forgot that he wasn’t wearing his karate costume a few times. He may or may not have karate chopped an innocent princess and a pirate.
4. After the parade and photos of the kids at the pumpkin patch, we left Taryn to enjoy the party with the rest of the class. Teagan and I headed out to enjoy some retail therapy at Target. Little dude partied too hard that morning and after battling bobble head for a good 10 minutes, fell asleep face down in the cart. iphone pic….
I decided to pick up a pizza from Target and we went out to the lake to eat lunch, yell at the ducks and wait for it to be time to go pick up T.
you can practically hear it through the photo can’t ya? ddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!
5. Even with all of our duck calling, we were still a few minutes early to pick up Taryn so we played on the playground outside her classroom. Teagan was all over the slide….
6. What ensued just a few moments later will go down in history as the motherload of all toddler hissy fits (to date) at our house. I told him to go down the slide one more time and then we would go inside and get his sister. One more time came and went so I grabbed his chubby little hand to lead him inside. He immediately turned into limp noodle baby and hit the dirt. I tried to pick him up and he went from limp noodle baby to 2×4 baby is 0.03 seconds flat. I’m trying to calm him down and tell him we’ll come right back out to the slide after we get Taryn….we’ll come back to the slide, come on buddy, let’s go find Taryn! Nope. Not. Having. It. He wiggled away from me, arms flailing all around, feet kicking, flops himself over, face down in the wet mulch and starts making an angry toddler mulch angel. I rode it out for about 45 seconds then started talking to him again in a calm voice. He got up, only because he was mad he was all muddy and his arms were covered in mulch (which he hates, even though he loves to dig in it at home, go figure). At this point I look up to see a few other moms standing around and grinning that all knowing “oh I’ve been there” smile. I marveled at the mulch angel and his form for a second, considered taking an iphone pic of it, then noticed he was composing himself and didn’t want to risk another meltdown. I started walking towards the classroom. Thankfully Teagan followed right behind after I took a few steps, mad about the mulch, shaking his head and finger “no no” and fussing at me. Yeah dude, whatever, totally my fault?! Anyone want to share a good hissy fit story??
7. I think we need to start using a chore chart with Taryn. Maybe this one. She’s not into doing her chores here lately just by us asking, I’m thinking she’d be all about a chart though.
8. The kids and I made Halloween puppets this morning. A spider, a witch and a Frankenstein. We’ll be putting on a puppet show for daddy and Ty tonight after I get home from a session. Can’t wait. I want to do this project with them soon, just need to find the time!
9. After our puppet making, I cleaned up, made a few trips to the trash and then found this:
Vaguely reminds me of this on a much smaller scale. Oh gosh that link cracks me up now. Then, not so much. But now, it’s hilarious. And in case you’re wondering, his favorite word right now is “yeah”. The kid is obsessed with writing, coloring, drawing. He wakes up talking about it quite often, it’s all he wants to do.
10. I saw this amazing video posted on facebook a few times and cried like a baby each time. Heartbreaking, emotive and yet another reminder for all of us to get in the picture. Photos are our tangible memories. When we’re gone, they will remain. Get in the picture people. I’ll be taking my own advice this weekend when our family photos are taken. And I don’t even care if I look chubby, or if my hair is flat….my kids will have photos of me happy, involved, LOVING THEM.
The chore chart looks awesome for her age. Great find!
I can’t believe we’re at the end of October. I had planned a few crafts for my daughter to do with the Halloween theme but we never got around to it. Time flies!
I don’t have a hissy fit story today…
I’m pretty sure the guy on the phone in the Home Depot parking lot was calling CPS as I lugged my Limp Noodle Ninga across the lot. He refused to hold my hand while crossing (no negotiations there) and decided to collapse in traffic. It.was.awesome. I wasn’t embarrassed at all.
Oh Lyndsay, I can totally sympathize with your on the hissy fits. This has been the worst week for bad behavior. Simon for one has decided that he HATES shopping carts and every time we walk into a grocery store (or target) and he sees one he starts screaming at the top of his lungs. It’s a high pitched ear splitting scream accompanied by the 2×4 baby pose that you mentioned above. It’s horrible. I have been trying to do all of my shopping online but today I just had to pick up a few things and everyone in the store watched in hoar as my beet faced son screamed while being strapped into the cart and then continued screaming for another 10 min.
We have this chore chart from Target and we love it!
LOL! If that was the motherload of all hissy fits at your house, consider yourself blessed!! Here’s one from today at our house (and they get better and better everyday!): Jayden hates transitioning from one activity to the next, so when OT was wrapping up he got irritated and defensive and 1st he swung a hard toy at me and it smashed on my finger nail and I was checking out my finger when all of a sudden that same hard toy hit me really hard in the middle of my head. The OT went to correct Jayden and let me tell you, all hell broke lose. I totally know the 2×4 kid! It got much worse, but the embarrassing part was when we opened the door to let the OT out and both of our neighbors ACROSS THE STREET came outside to see what was going on from INSIDE OUR HOUSE!! YEP, it’s bad! And should I tell you about how he picks up hotel phones, calls the front desk and says “NEED HELP!!”??? HA!
10 on Thursday with lots of pictures & videos?? I LOVE IT! No hissy fit stores for me (yet) but I’m sure we’ll get there soon enough. BTW…how on earth do your iPhone pics come out so great?? Do you edit them?
LOL!!!! Lyndsay some how I missed Taryn’s body art…oh my gosh I have tears streaming down my face right now. So.stinkin’.funny!!
I’m familiar with the 2×4. It appeared today and yesterday when I was trying (and failing miserably) to put my 2.5 year-old into his car seat. That’s the worst!
#2- Go Taryn!:)
#6-I may be crazy, but I *love* those fits sometimes, lol. So much drama and spirit, I can’t help but giggle at them sometimes because there are days I would LOVE to do that myself:)
#10- So true. So very true. After years of being behind the camera, I find myself passing it off to a friend/family member/husband and saying, “Could you take a pic of me and _____”. Even my mom (who is 54) willingly jumps in for photo time now. She has been going through old family photos and realized that she isn’t in a lot and she doesn’t want to not have a record of her life with her kids, grandkids, and friends.